Hip Hip Oy Vey

Location: Stamford, Connecticut, United States

A little insight into the inner workings of mind... as scary as that sounds!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Brand New Start

Yesterday after 8-1/2+ years of being a worker bee, abet at most times a happy worker bee, at an up & coming cable television network, I have turned in my termination paperwork, blackberry, id card & front door key card. I made the decision a couple of months ago that once we closed up shop, I was going to take off the summer (at least July) & recharge my brain. What can be so bad about collecting severance, as well as unemployment (yes, it's legal) & taking some time for myself?

Maybe it's the voices in my head that are reminding me that I have a mortgage to pay and no job on the horizon. Or maybe it's my loving mother who is afraid that after the severance stops, that she'll have to be the one to support me. Not like I'd ever ask. That's just not me.

For now, I'm just going to take this one day at a time. Spend some time with my sister. As well as my niece & nephew, when they aren't in camp. Be the best sister & aunt that I can be. Read books, go to the movies, get some sun (haven't had a day off in July in the past 7 years), hang out with friends I normally don't get a chance to see. Find out who I am again, without this job that I have loved for years. Start figuring out what the future holds and what my next career move will be.

And start writing again, which is something I haven't done consistently since I was in college. For now, I'm going to start with this blog. Later, maybe venture back into scripts or even a short story. Let's see where the wind takes me.

On that note, I think this is a good beginning to my brand new start.